Monday, May 7, 2012

Last Week Projects

Last week quite hectic. Anyhow, Alhamdulillah I managed to sew 18 pieces of baby binders (barut), 4 cushions covers, and embroidered 40 pieces of face towels dan a bath towels for the newly wed..

14 pcs of Printed Barut
 Thanks to my beloved customer, Haniza, who ordered 4 pieces of printed barut before and asked to post them to her school...  It seemed that few of her friends also interested and ordered few more. I hope all of them are happy with the 'barut's made with love for their babies...

4 pcs of Plain barut
A Pair of Cushion Covers

Another Pair Also From IKEA's Materials
 Another customer, Laila, also ordered 4 pieces of pplain barut and these 2 pairs of cushion covers made from IKEA's fabric, with little embroidered wordings at the corner..

Embroidered Bath Towel
A gift present for my husband's niece.

Looking forward to another 'hectic' week...hehehhe...

Love & Regards


  1. welcome back to sewing machine Rose.... dah habis pantang yerr

    1. Hahahaha Mila,
      Once habis pantang terus start enjin...heheheh

  2. comelnya barut ...tapi dah pencen dah ...hahahah

    1. Suzie, dah pencen pun blh order jugak as gift utk kekawan atau sedara2 yg bakal menimang cahaya mata...ekekek
